Labels:bannister | cassette tape | compact disk | concert | monitor OCR: ISBN '662 -0899-0 WHERE HE WALK ED wo thousand years ago our Lord Jesus traveled the valleys Galllee and the hills of Judea preaching hi Father's message to the world was here In the Holy Land that the seeds of Christianity were planted Through this speclal multimedia pilgrimage edition ithe Ney Testament W invite you to come visit Where He Walked. THE VIRTUAL BIBLI EXPERIENCE SEARCH ENGINE Where le Walked takes you on interactive journen The entire Ne Teslament and a a powerful searc to the technology Hoh brings Land.Ou you exclusive 350navigable images Spherical Photography ongine users to embedda withi broad spectrum af destinations the disk pue crcas-inking zDom capabilities It's the closes thing to being there relater lopics throughout the program withou leaving the comfor 1you home T ...